Modern Internet technology has developed because of information security. The password mechanism, programmed mechanism, decentralized mechanism, and distributed mechanism. The Blockchain's mechanism offers a whole new angle for the advancement of Internet information security technologies. The mechanisms used to store and distribute information within a network are redefined by Blockchain technology. It is not necessary for participants to know one another or for third-party certifying agencies to take part. It uses distributed technology to record, transmit, and store information value transfer activities. It also uses an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm to prevent data tampering and forgery. Finally, it allows all participants to agree on the current state of blockchain data information. Additionally, the use of blockchain technology in identity identification, data protection, and network security is explained by a recent industry study. The development of information security technology will be greatly accelerated by blockchain technology, which will also have a significant influence on the field's overall growth.
information security, blockchain, decentralization, timestamp, Cyber security